Eco Hotel Montemerlo



(work in progress…)


  • There are no products that shows on the label GMO (genetically modified organisms)
  • Certain Products are processed by BIO (breakfast)
  • Some dishes on the menu are locally sourced (0 km)
  • There are little disposable products used (with high production of packaging)
  • Products are chosen with little packaging
  • Reduce and optimize the water consumption
  • Reduce and optimize energy consumption
  • We are working with concentrated cleaning products for low environmental impact
  • Separatet waste


  • Using environmentally friendly toilet paper
  • Reduction of disposable products
  • Almost complete elimination of acids and introduction of natural processes (steam)
  • There are products used with minimal use of packaging
  • Reduce and optimize the water consumption
  • Reduce and optimize energy consumption
  • Separate waste


  • The use of recycled paper and reuse them for intern notes and photocopies
  • There are remanufactured ink cartridges used for printers
  • Free excursions for our guests (trekking and kayaking)
  • Disclosure of the nature, history and art of our region
  • Promote opportunities for training and dissemination of environmental issues
  • Promotion of public transport and timetables and tickets are available at the hotel
  • Special arrangement for bicycle rent
  • We support “Angolo del Gusto” the promotion and provision of other local products
  • Cooperation with relevant organizations and associations that promote the conservation of the environment of the island
  • Cooperation with the Tuscan Archipelago National Park
  • Cooperation with Legambiente (Project Pancrazio)
  • Separate waste


  • Swimming pool with natural and environmentally-friendly chlorine (ideal for children)
  • Exclusive use of natural fertilizers
  • Composting
  • Project “La Casa delle Rondini”
  • Separate waste is also available for guests


  • Over the years, they found out that many small buildings have less impact on nature as one Large
  • 100% of the energy comes from renewable sources
  • Photovoltaic system to generate electricity (from 20kW)
  • Chiller-system for hot water
  • Reduce and optimize the water consumption
  • Reduce and optimize energy consumption
  • Eco-label environmental certification IT/025/360